
Do you have a tree with multiple stems? Are you worried about your tree splitting in the wind or snow? Cabling is an option for people wishing to add some extra support to their trees, and can extend the life of a tree that might otherwise fail. We use high strength tree cable to attach the weakened portion of the tree to another section of the tree to help support the hazardous stem.

For cabling to be successful, systems should be inspected annually, and prompt installation after a problem has been identified is vital. While cabling can extend the life of your tree by decades, it is important for you to understand that this is a response to a problem, and should not be used without good reason. Trees use their branches and stems to dissipate forces applied by wind. while we are adding support to the system with the use of cables, we are also manipulating the tree’s natural motion in which each branch and stem move independently. Applications of cables have great success rates, but they are not necessarily a long term solution, or fail safe to the problem. Consultation on a tree by tree basis is crucial to determine if this is a viable option for you and your needs.